How to embed my social bookmarks into this blog as blog posts?
I'm trying to keep all my social bookmarks and favourite sites & blogs at one place. Earlier i thought it would be easy through submitting my social bookmark feeds here, but it seems much more difficult than that. Would anybody help me with fresh suggestions on how to embed all my bookmarks from other sites (such as,,, etc) with this blog?The ways i want my social bookmarks to be embedded:
- Either all bookmarks are converted in to separate posts? (i think this is going to be really tedious task.
- Or as I've put my delicious bookmarks below, i can be able to have them into HTML forms so that even search engines may see the updates & changes into my bookmarks from here.
- If any other way the bookmarks can be embedded please tell me through comments.
If you know some solutions, then please suggest me with on the comment.
You can embed Social Bookmarks into Blog by adding Social Bookmarking widgets of blogger.Wibiya is also good widget to Engage and Promote your content via recommendations and sharing.